So long and thanks for all the fish!

And if you get that reference, we can totally be friends. Just don’t forget your towel.

I finished the last book in the Near Miss Series trilogy at 4:00AM on Sunday morning. Yes, Happy Mother’s Day to me, indeed. It was bittersweet, not only because it’s an end to the series, but Jude is apparently a lot of the reader’s favorite character. I happen to agree with that sentiment. He was the most fun to write of any character I’ve ever written, and he often had me laughing out loud and scaring my poor dog. However, in this last book that focuses on him, the stakes are also higher for me because of his popularity. There was a lot of pressure to get it right because I didn’t want to f*ck him up for everyone, including myself. I think I did okay, but that will be up to you to decide.

The members of Indigo King are always going to be near and dear to my heart. We went through a lot together and ran the gamut from tears to laughter and everything in between. I learned a lot about my writing and hopefully improved at least a little. Probably not, but it’s good to have goals.

After a brief holiday to Scotland, the audiobook production will be underway. Fingers crossed that we meet the release date of the eBook/paperback. I’ve yet to get that timed right… again, it’s good to have goals.

Next up is a pivot to Vegas, and Mischief Motors with the Drive Me Wild Series. I’m looking forward to writing some really strong women characters, who hopefully meet their matches who can handle them. We’ll see how that plays out.

If you’re reading this after reading the Near Miss Series, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. And if you’ve only read one or two of them, give them all a chance - they each stand on their own merit, and there’s something for everyone’s taste. Besides, each of the guys in Indigo King kind of makes the perfect rock star book boyfriend. And, who doesn’t love a good book boyfriend?


Across the Universe


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