The Side Piece

First, Near Miss Series news: The title of this blog makes this sound way more risqué than it actually is. I’m referring to a prequel novella for the Near Miss Series that I just started working on, because sure, I can write two books at once. And a small hint on the subject - it’s a certain songbird’s brother, and there are zero rock stars in it. I’ve debated if it’s even part of the series because of that, but since it’s family, it’s in. Not sure on the audiobook for this. Would you listen to a novella on audio?

Second, Drive Me Wild Series news: The audiobook has been cast! Voice actors June deBorahae and Ryan Lee Dunlap have signed on to the project, which is very exciting. If you’ve listened to any of their previous work, you’ll see why I’m thrilled to have them on board. I might actually get the release timing right on this one! Miracles do happen.

Finally, the #New series: I’ve started planning the next book series, which returns to the rock star theme, and here’s a hint - The first book centers around a character originally introduced in Almost. That’s it for hints. I have eight (I know!) books planned already, reaching into 2024, and believe it or not, have ideas for the series following this one.

My brain is dangerous place sometimes.

I hope everyone is having a great summer!


Bird Is the Word.


Not In So Many Words