
I’m diving deep into hibernation mode as it’s -7° outside, and the wind chimes are banging out a killer Slayer tune, so it’s a perfect time to reflect on the awesomeness that has been the past year. Six books written, five released so far, plus a collection and audiobooks for all. My brain still has a hard time wrapping itself around the concept of having even one book released, let alone six.

Making the decision at the end of last year to finally make this dream happen was the best thing I’ve done in recent memory. Being an avid reader all my life, of all genres, the task was daunting. Having read so many fantastic books, it was pure hubris to think that I could contribute anything meaningful at all. I still question that, and I think all authors do.

But that’s the thing – what keeps me going, at least, is the desire to do better than the last book. It’s a work in progress. Sometimes I’ll listen back to an audiobook version and literally cringe at the word choices I made and want to pull the book completely. Other times, I’ll hear a line that didn’t mean much at the time I wrote it, and suddenly it feels very profound. It’s an odd mix. (And thank you, narrators, for making me sound good when I really shouldn’t.)

Speaking of external forces, I’ve connected with some amazing people this year – readers, narrators, other authors, and industry folks that have made the entire experience so rewarding I couldn’t begin to explain it if I tried. To say that the romance community is welcoming is the understatement of the millennia. Everyone involved loves a good love story, and helping to make them the best they can be as we share them with the world is always top of mind.

All that being said, I’m so looking forward to 2023 and the new stories coming your way. We’re starting off with Ms. Lead releasing in January, with the audiobook narrated by Lacy Laurel and Shane East (it’s pretty effing amazing if I do say so). And in March, the Drive Me Wild series wraps with Ms. Take. The audiobook for that one will be courtesy of the spectacular Samantha Brentmoor and Alastair Haynesbridge.

THEN, starting in May, we’re back to rock stars! I know a lot of you are anxious for that, and let me tell you, I am too! The first book of the new Rhapsody series, Coda, will release in May, and we’ll again hear from Samantha Brentmoor, and the MMC for that one is none other than Aaron Shedlock. Plus, I’ve got other narrators lined up for the rest of the series (so far, Kit Swann, Lacy Laurel, Stella Hunter, and Rose Dioro for FMCs, and Connor Crais and Jason Clarke for MMCs).

Stay tuned for updates and subscribe to my newsletter if you want up-to-date info and exclusive bonus material!

As always, I’m a weirdo, and playlists are posted for each book, so make sure to follow my Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/316lm7js2t6qhfbexi4jvzcphdzm?si=9afa62015be44b06

I hope each of you has a safe and wonderful holiday season, however, and if you celebrate, and a seriously happy New Year.

Next year is going to kick ass.



Summer Reading


The Voices In My Head Are Equal